What is covered?
- Acupuncture
- Alcoholism Treatment
- Ambulance Anaesthetist
- Artificial Limbs
- Audiologist
- Birth Control Pills
- Blood Tests
- Braces
- Cardiographs
- Chinese Medicine
- Chiropractor
- Contact Lenses
- Contraceptive Devices
- Crowns & Bridgework
- Crutches
- Dental Implants
- Dental Treatment
- Dental X-rays
- Dentures
- Dermatologist
- Diagnostic Fees
- Diapers For Incontinence
- Dietician services
- Drug Addiction Therapy
- Elderly Parent and Dependent Care
- Fertility drugs and treatment
- Guide dog
- Gynecologist
- Hearing aid and batteries
- Hearing Impaired Equipment (Telephone & TV)
- Hospital bills
- Hydrotherapy
- Insulin Treatments
- Lab Tests
- Laser eye surgery
- Lodging (outpatient care)
- Metabolism tests
- Naturopath
- Neurologist
- Nursing (including board and meals)
- Obstetrician
- Operating room costs
- Ophthalmologist
- Optician
- Oral surgery
- Organ transplant (including donor’s expense)
- Orthodontics
- Orthopedic shoes
- Orthopedist
- Osteopath
- Overseas medical services
- Oxygen and oxygen equipment
- Pediatrician
- Physician
- Physiotherapist
- Post-natal treatments
- Pre-natal care
- Prescription medicine
- Prescription sunglasses
- Prescription glasses
- Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalyst
- Psychologist
- Psychotherapy
- Radium therapy
- Registered massage therapy
- Special needs tuition & services
- Speech language pathologist
- Spinal fluid test
- Splints
- Sterilization
- Surgeon
- Therapy equipment
- Transportation expenses (relative to health care)
- Ultraviolet ray treatments
- Vaccines
- Vasectomy
- Viagra
- Wheelchair
- X-rays
Note: This is a partial list. For a complete list click here.